Privacy Policy

Niigata Nihonbashi (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) will handle information that can identify individuals (hereinafter referred to as “personal information”) in accordance with the following policy.

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will comply with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information,” other applicable laws and regulations, guidelines issued by relevant ministries and agencies, and internal company rules regarding the handling of personal information.

2. Acquisition and use of personal information

In the course of conducting its business, the Company acquires personal information such as customer names, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, etc.
We use personal information for the following purposes
・To respond to inquiries
・Advertising of our services
・Customer management
When obtaining personal information directly from customers in writing, etc., we will clearly state the purpose of use, and in other cases, we will notify or publicly announce the purpose of use. We will not use personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use described above, unless we have the prior consent of the customer or are permitted to do so by law.

3. Management of personal information

We will take necessary measures to prevent leakage, loss, damage, or unauthorized access to personal information, and will manage personal information appropriately. In addition, we will supervise our employees appropriately in the handling of personal information, and when we outsource the handling of personal information, we will also supervise the outsourcing company to properly manage the personal information.

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not provide personal information to third parties unless we have the prior consent of the customer, or unless permitted by law, such as when required by law, or when personal information is entrusted to a third party within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

5. Disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. of personal information

If you wish to disclose, correct, or discontinue the use of your personal information, or if you wish to be notified of the purpose of use, please contact us. Upon receiving a request for disclosure, etc. from a customer, we will confirm that the request is made by the customer himself/herself and comply with the request in accordance with laws and regulations.

6. Establishment of a system

The Company will provide training to all employees to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, guidelines issued by relevant ministries and agencies, and internal rules and regulations governing the handling of personal information. In addition, we will appoint a person responsible for the handling of personal information and conduct regular audits.

7. Other

The Company will review and improve this policy as necessary, taking into account customer opinions and in response to changes in laws and regulations. If this policy is revised, we will make a public announcement by posting the revised policy on our website, so please check this page periodically.

8. Inquiries

If you have any comments or questions regarding the contents of this policy or our other handling of personal information, please contact us at the following address. If we receive a complaint from a customer regarding our handling of personal information, we will respond promptly and appropriately.
Niigata Nihonbashi
6th floor, Niigata Nihonbashi Building, 1452-2
Furumachi-dori 8-cho, Chuo-ku, Niigata City,
Niigata Prefecture